Monday, July 12, 2010

Obama's sanctions will face same fate as d'Amato bill of Clinton

By: Hamdollah Emadi Heidari

Tehran, July 7, IRNA -- U.S. President Barack Obama's sanctions against Iran will face same fate as d'Amato bill signed by former president Bill Clinton.

Chairman of French Total Oil Company Christophe de Margerie advised the western diplomats not to mix citizenship affairs with those of the politics.

He made the remark in a reaction to efforts made by the West to impose new oil sanctions against Iran.

The French Total is the largest oil company producing oil products across the world after the British companies and the Royal Dutch Shell of the Netherlands.

De Margerie’s remark is made after the US Congress, in an anti-Iranian move, ratified new sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the objective of which was not only the foreign energy and financial companies trading with Iran but also endangering the direct security of the Iranian passengers during their flights.

The new sanctions are in a way that the foreign companies providing Iran with petrol or refined oil products would be punished by Washington. The western news sources had previously announced that the plan would be put into effect after the US President Barack Obama signed it.

The US sanctions against the Iranian nation is carried out while Tehran’s trilateral Declaration on Iran’s international cooperation in the area of peaceful nuclear energy is faced with the political grudge of the US and the West. Moreover, some international analysts believe that the new sanctions have paved the way for the country’s development in those fields and that the sanctions would have the same fate as that of Damato.

** Prospect of d'Amato’s bill compared to new US sanctions against Iran

At the current international status, this question is raised that due to the world financial crisis, and the need of the oil producing companies to trade with Iran, do not the unilateral sanctions of the Obama’s administration have the same fate as of the d'Amato bill turned into law by the former US president Bill Clinton? The story of the sanctions goes back to Bill Clinton administration:

On August 4, 1996, the then US president, by signing d"Amato bill, announced that it would abandon its insurance coverage for Iran’s partner companies.

Not long had been passed when several European companies gave their negative response to the sanctions practically by continuing their trade cooperation with the Islamic Republic.

The Total Company inked a 2-billion dollar accord with Iran in 1997 and then representatives of the Shell Company sat at the negotiation table with Iran for a dlrs 800-million deal.

Eleanor Ommani, Founder of the Amercian-Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC) and a member of several anti-war NGOs in the US in an analysis on the US unilateral sanctions against Iran while talking to IRNA said, the new US fuel sanction is in fact an amended version of d'Amato bill in 1996 when the embargos took a new shape by omitting the name of Libya and maintaining the name of Iran in that law in 2009.

She believed that inking of the bill by Obama was an indication to his weakness.
Such a move by Obama proves that he at last surrendered to the military-industrial lobbies, she said, adding that the American people are well aware that Obama has spent all the country’s assets on his war machine across the world, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama imposed sanctions on Iran to defeat the Islamic Republic while Tehran proved that it could remain independent in its nuclear program, the US analyst added.

Obama faced defeat in attracting participation of Russia and China in its vast sanctions process against Iran and therefore resorted to unilateral sanctions, Ommani noted.

Although the giant US oil and gas companies tried to prevent imposition of anti-Iran sanctions, the Zionist lobby in the US paved the way for inking the sanctions by bribing and influencing the Congress representatives, she opined.

The inhumane act of Obama to impose sanctions on Iran is in fact against a nation which is willing to put an end to scientific monopoly in the world, she added.

The Bloomberg website has recently published a new report according to which the two American companies of Boeing and Exxon have announced that the US sanctions against Iran will decrease the country’s exports by dlrs 25 billion.

** Iran’s readiness for sanctions

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s approach for turning the threats into opportunities has increasingly caused self-sufficiency in various fields. Iran’s oil minister Tuesday announced that Iran will join the world petrol exporters in the next three years.

** Contradiction between sanctions and international laws

Such a contradiction manifests the real nature of the US style human rights.

The US hostile acts against the Iranian nation are performed in full contradiction with all international laws and regulations including those of International Air Transport Association (IATA) and International Convention on Civil Aviation (ICAO).

** Following up cases of violation of law by companies

Some international law experts believe that while the US fuel sanctions against Iran have paved the way for profiteering of some companies, those companies enjoying collaboration with Washington in that regard will face legal consequences for breach of international laws and regulations.


End News / IRNA / News Code 1217469

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dutch tulip or a cup of bitter Brazilian coffee?

Report By: Hamdollah Emadi Heidari

Tehran, July 4, IRNA -- The Brazil-Dutch match during the World Cup 2010 and some of the unsporting points at the sidelines backed the idea that the Brazilians deserved the defeat gave rise to the suspicion that the victory of the “land of tulips” was politically-motivated.

The result of the match inspired the question in the mind of soccer lovers that are victory or defeat of the teams in the world cups determined in far away from that green pitch?

Let’s remember that there have been indications that the hegemony seeking powers are used to taking advantage of the world cup games to get their political voice heard worldwide.

Sociologists believe that: “when soccer matches start in an international scale, then it is the time for the element of politics to come to the scene at high level dosage so that the countries begin to follow their own political games to advance their national interests in the pitch… a clear example, was Mussolini who employed the victorious Italian national football players in the services of his own objectives in 1934 and 1938 describing them as “soldiers serving their national interests”. The French President Jacques Chirac, too, called the victory of French National Soccer Team in World Cup 1998 as the “victory of France.”

** What the Zionists attempted to do with the Green Continent

One prevailing suggestion has been that given the ever-growing influence of Zionists on the green continent including the Netherlands, the probable victory of Dutch soccer players in the 19th world cup could potentially be regarded as a moral support for those politicians whom the Zionists are zealously supporting to gain power in the Netherlands.

Manipulating Sporting Events
Manipulating sporting events as a universally effective instrument in gaining external objectives has always been on agenda of various Zionist protocols and capitalist system.

A close look at some political incidents in such countries as Italy, France and the Netherlands clearly discloses how Zionists are endeavoring to tightern their grip over the continent.

The rightist policy of France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy who unquestioningly follows the US policies and the White House views has made the supporters of an independent France as well as the French leftists protest what is going on.

Observers studying the European developments believe the failure of France during the World Cup 2010, too, was taken as good news by Sarkozy because the defeat would overshadow the failure of his economic and political policies.

And in Italy, the victory of the rightist party led by Silvio Berlusconi - who owns AC Milan Club – in the much-questioned elections in 2008, brought fascists who are strongly opposed to immigrants to power in Italy.

It seems that the Zionist lobbies are mobilizing all their military, political and media leverages to take power in the green continent and eliminate leftists.

**Islamists and leftists; a threat to the very existence of the Zionist regime
Having observed frank reactions of the international public opinion and the governments against the Israeli massacre of passengers aboard Freedom Flotilla, the Zionist regime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had just recently stated that “Islamists and leftists in the world are determined to destroy Israel.”

His remarks reveal how extremely the Zionist regime fears anti-imperialism movements and their victory in elections which will make the ones who decide about matters.

**the significance of the country of courts for Zionists

After France and Italy, now it is the Netherlands’ turn, a country which hosts a number of world’s most important courts like the international criminal court in charge of examining the war crimes, the court which is supposed to deal with Richard Goldstone report on Israeli war crimes during its 22-day aggression on Gaza.

A coalition led by Christian-democratic party is currently ruling the Netherlands which also gives a position both to leftists and religious powers in the power structure of the country. This deeply irritates Israel.

** Recurring referee mistakes during the 19th world cup
One other point supporting this article is the frequent and persistent referee mistakes in the world cup 2010 which made the FIFA head apologize to the world community. The increasing number of wrong decisions in the final stages gives rise to doubts on the true reasons of referees in behaving like this.

According to the news agencies, most of soccer experts evaluated the good performance of referees as one of the strong points of the 19th world cup, but, as the rivalries grew more intense, the referees, too, started to act in a vague manner. This culminated in the first play-off round.

Experts question the performance of the referees who neglected the violent behavior of those players who kept attacking technical Brazilian football players and shouted on referees and players, wondering how was it that Van Bommel did not receive any fines for disturbing Kaka for a whole time of 90 minutes.

The Argentina national soccer team coach, Diego Maradona, too, criticized referee performances ahead of the match between his team and Germans during the quarter-final this year.

Now the question is “did those who determine the destinies in the world cup 2010 preferred the “tulip” to “a cup of bitter Brazilian coffee?” And, how are the results of the remaining matches being determined?

Are the results of the matches determined on the green pitches or are there both known and unknown hands playing behind the scene; the same hands which barred the United Nations Security Council from issuing resolutions against the criminal Zionist regime? Will they determine the destiny of the teams in world cup 2010 in a place away from the matches?